Standard Church Ministries Certificate &
Leadership in Church Ministries Certificate
Leadership in Church Ministries Certificate
We are excited to share that Monument Bible Church offers a pathway for individuals to receive advanced ministry training through the Evangelical Training Association. Individuals have an opportunity to earn the Standard Church Ministries Certificate (8 classes) and Leadership in Church Ministries Certificate (additional 8 classes). These classes, led by ETA approved instructors, provide a foundation for your Christian Life, and also greater equip you to serve in areas where God is leading you, both inside and outside of the church.
ETA Certificates are designed to provide advanced training and equipping in Biblical and doctrinal studies, ministry skills and leadership skills so that individuals may be prepared to do the “work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4:12).
ETA Certificates are designed to provide advanced training and equipping in Biblical and doctrinal studies, ministry skills and leadership skills so that individuals may be prepared to do the “work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4:12).
The Standard Church Ministries Certificate requires the completion of 8 Classes (6 Required and 2 Electives).
The Leadership in Church Ministries Certificate requires the completion of an additional 8 classes (3 Required and 5 Electives).
For each class, the following is required:
Classes will be offered 9:30-10:30 a.m. on Sundays and open to everyone, regardless of if they are pursuing a certificate with ETA. Evening classes might be added in the future.
NOTE: Our Bible Fellowship Hour will continue to offer a variety of classes (ETA and others). CLICK HERE to view current ETA and additional class offerings.
The Leadership in Church Ministries Certificate requires the completion of an additional 8 classes (3 Required and 5 Electives).
For each class, the following is required:
- Attend a minimum of 10 of the 12 Instructional Hours (meet weekly on Sunday mornings, 9:30-10:30 a.m.)
- Read the textbook & participate in class discussion
- Complete any quizzes or project given by instructor.
Classes will be offered 9:30-10:30 a.m. on Sundays and open to everyone, regardless of if they are pursuing a certificate with ETA. Evening classes might be added in the future.
NOTE: Our Bible Fellowship Hour will continue to offer a variety of classes (ETA and others). CLICK HERE to view current ETA and additional class offerings.
If you would like to begin receiving credit towards an ETA Ministry Certificate, please enroll by clicking below. Once we receive your enrollment, you will receive course credits upon completion of each class.
Your official transcript will be maintained by Monument Bible Church and the Evangelical Training Association. If you would like to informally track your training, a course tracking form is available by clicking below.
For questions about the ETA program, please contact Dana Banks.
The ETA Classroom Series Course Descriptions
These courses are designed for the traditional classroom approach to post-high school adults. Each textbook consists of 12 chapters and usually ranges from 96 to 128 pages. Each is written by qualified and experienced teachers in each subject and qualifies the student for one ETA credit.
Biblical Beliefs—This course presents foundational Bible doctrines in a popular, easy-to-understand format. Covered in the course are creation and the fall of man, faith and regeneration, justification and adoption, prayer and worship, angels, Satan, resurrection and judgment, and the church.
New Testament Survey—This course brings unity and chronological sequence to New Testament study by weaving the contents of the books around a central theme—the person of Christ. Divisions are the synoptic Gospels, the Gospel of John, the Book of Acts, the Pauline Epistlesin chronological order, the General Epistles, and the Book of Revelation.
Old Testament Part 1 (Genesis–Esther) and Old Testament Part 2 (Job–Malachi)—These two courses together provide a sweeping overview of God’s working from creation through the books of poetry and prophecy. They are two distinct courses, however, for purposes of the ETA Certificate Program. Books of the Bible are covered in overview attention.
The Triune God —This course covers the individuality of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the biblical teaching of the Trinity. Topics include the character/work of God; the preexistence, incarnation, deity, death, resurrection and return of Christ; and the personality and power of the Holy Spirit.
You and Your Bible—Believers should be well in-formed about the Word of God. This course presents the inspiration and authorship of the Bible, how it was preserved, why we believe it, how we deal with its problems and critics, the role of archeology, and ways to study the Bible more effectively.
How To Study The Bible, In 5 Simple Steps--This course removes all intimidation that often prevent regular Bible study. Context, framework, choosing a translation, understanding genre, and the importance of prayer to our studies.
Exalt His Name—"O Magnify and Exalt the Name of the Lord together" is not a recommendation to be considered. It is an imperative to be obeyed. Four essential ingredients to this imperative deserve attention. The first three are easy to understand and follow. The fourth, may take a bit more time, and is the purpose of this study course.
Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity—A strategy for growing toward Christlikeness must be based on the actual ways that people grow and develop into maturity in Christ. Through identifying and understanding how we grow spiritually, this course will help us to become more intentional in Bible study, prayer, lifestyle choices, evangelism, and spiritual gifts.
Teaching Techniques—This course focuses on the philosophical basis of methodology, looks at current learning theory research from a biblical perspective, and gives practical information on how to select and use various methods, including lecture, storytelling, panel discussion, simulation learning, group discussion, and others. It is a companion volume to the course Understanding Teaching.
Understanding Teaching—A biblical understanding of teaching brings appreciation for this spiritual gift. Approaching this task biblically involves empowerment from the Holy Spirit, insight into God’s Word, sharp communication skills, and accurate interaction with students. It is a companion volume to Teaching Techniques.
Christian Ethics in a Postmodern World—For the Christian, ethics must be rooted in the absolutes revealed in God’s Word to inform and nurture our moral conduct. Followers of Christ must learn to think biblically. A Christian approach to complex ethical topics in the postmodern era challenges us to identify how we relate to culture.
Biblical Leadership—This course help you grasp a New Testament picture of leadership that is both person-centered and team-centered. Rather than basing ministry on secular principles of leadership, biblical strategies for placing people to use their gifts in service will help you grow in self perception, skills, and vision as a leader.
Perspectives From Church History—Written as a basic introduction to the subject, this course covers the four major periods of church history: The Ancient Church, The Medieval Church, The Reformation Church, and The Modern Church. It is designed to give Christians an oversight of their spiritual heritage.
Understanding People—To truly understand people we must combine the rigorous formal study of developmental issues with our own observations and thorough study of Scripture. As biological, cognitive, socio-emotional, and spiritual ministry implications are addressed for each major age division, this course helps the Bible teacher to work with all ages of people more effectively.
Beyond Reasonable Doubt--Aside from personal faith in God, is there any evidence to substantiate the claims of Christianity? You be the judge! This text is an introduction to the study of apologetics. It will take you step-by-step through the well-documented evidence in support of Christian beliefs and Scripture. Whether a skeptic or a believer, this book will help you reach a verdict—that could very well change your life!
The Truth About Worldviews: A Biblical Understanding of Worldview Alternatives—In a world where multiple "truths" abound, Christians need to be on their guard to avoid being deceived by ways of looking at the world that directly opposes Christ and His Word. To be prepared, they must be well informed of these other worldviews and how they differ from Christianity. This course analyzes the main world religions.
Well Sent--Sharing practical experience from more than forty years in leading local churches in mobilizing to recruit, prepare, send and sustain their members in cross-cultural ministry.
Your Ministry of Evangelism—Evangelism is the mandate for church growth today. This course covers the biblical foundations of evangelism, conversion and regeneration, how to lead a person to a decision for Christ, age-specific techniques, team efforts, visitation, discipling new believers, and the importance of prayer to the overall program of evangelism.
These courses are designed for the traditional classroom approach to post-high school adults. Each textbook consists of 12 chapters and usually ranges from 96 to 128 pages. Each is written by qualified and experienced teachers in each subject and qualifies the student for one ETA credit.
Biblical Beliefs—This course presents foundational Bible doctrines in a popular, easy-to-understand format. Covered in the course are creation and the fall of man, faith and regeneration, justification and adoption, prayer and worship, angels, Satan, resurrection and judgment, and the church.
New Testament Survey—This course brings unity and chronological sequence to New Testament study by weaving the contents of the books around a central theme—the person of Christ. Divisions are the synoptic Gospels, the Gospel of John, the Book of Acts, the Pauline Epistlesin chronological order, the General Epistles, and the Book of Revelation.
Old Testament Part 1 (Genesis–Esther) and Old Testament Part 2 (Job–Malachi)—These two courses together provide a sweeping overview of God’s working from creation through the books of poetry and prophecy. They are two distinct courses, however, for purposes of the ETA Certificate Program. Books of the Bible are covered in overview attention.
The Triune God —This course covers the individuality of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the biblical teaching of the Trinity. Topics include the character/work of God; the preexistence, incarnation, deity, death, resurrection and return of Christ; and the personality and power of the Holy Spirit.
You and Your Bible—Believers should be well in-formed about the Word of God. This course presents the inspiration and authorship of the Bible, how it was preserved, why we believe it, how we deal with its problems and critics, the role of archeology, and ways to study the Bible more effectively.
How To Study The Bible, In 5 Simple Steps--This course removes all intimidation that often prevent regular Bible study. Context, framework, choosing a translation, understanding genre, and the importance of prayer to our studies.
Exalt His Name—"O Magnify and Exalt the Name of the Lord together" is not a recommendation to be considered. It is an imperative to be obeyed. Four essential ingredients to this imperative deserve attention. The first three are easy to understand and follow. The fourth, may take a bit more time, and is the purpose of this study course.
Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity—A strategy for growing toward Christlikeness must be based on the actual ways that people grow and develop into maturity in Christ. Through identifying and understanding how we grow spiritually, this course will help us to become more intentional in Bible study, prayer, lifestyle choices, evangelism, and spiritual gifts.
Teaching Techniques—This course focuses on the philosophical basis of methodology, looks at current learning theory research from a biblical perspective, and gives practical information on how to select and use various methods, including lecture, storytelling, panel discussion, simulation learning, group discussion, and others. It is a companion volume to the course Understanding Teaching.
Understanding Teaching—A biblical understanding of teaching brings appreciation for this spiritual gift. Approaching this task biblically involves empowerment from the Holy Spirit, insight into God’s Word, sharp communication skills, and accurate interaction with students. It is a companion volume to Teaching Techniques.
Christian Ethics in a Postmodern World—For the Christian, ethics must be rooted in the absolutes revealed in God’s Word to inform and nurture our moral conduct. Followers of Christ must learn to think biblically. A Christian approach to complex ethical topics in the postmodern era challenges us to identify how we relate to culture.
Biblical Leadership—This course help you grasp a New Testament picture of leadership that is both person-centered and team-centered. Rather than basing ministry on secular principles of leadership, biblical strategies for placing people to use their gifts in service will help you grow in self perception, skills, and vision as a leader.
Perspectives From Church History—Written as a basic introduction to the subject, this course covers the four major periods of church history: The Ancient Church, The Medieval Church, The Reformation Church, and The Modern Church. It is designed to give Christians an oversight of their spiritual heritage.
Understanding People—To truly understand people we must combine the rigorous formal study of developmental issues with our own observations and thorough study of Scripture. As biological, cognitive, socio-emotional, and spiritual ministry implications are addressed for each major age division, this course helps the Bible teacher to work with all ages of people more effectively.
Beyond Reasonable Doubt--Aside from personal faith in God, is there any evidence to substantiate the claims of Christianity? You be the judge! This text is an introduction to the study of apologetics. It will take you step-by-step through the well-documented evidence in support of Christian beliefs and Scripture. Whether a skeptic or a believer, this book will help you reach a verdict—that could very well change your life!
The Truth About Worldviews: A Biblical Understanding of Worldview Alternatives—In a world where multiple "truths" abound, Christians need to be on their guard to avoid being deceived by ways of looking at the world that directly opposes Christ and His Word. To be prepared, they must be well informed of these other worldviews and how they differ from Christianity. This course analyzes the main world religions.
Well Sent--Sharing practical experience from more than forty years in leading local churches in mobilizing to recruit, prepare, send and sustain their members in cross-cultural ministry.
Your Ministry of Evangelism—Evangelism is the mandate for church growth today. This course covers the biblical foundations of evangelism, conversion and regeneration, how to lead a person to a decision for Christ, age-specific techniques, team efforts, visitation, discipling new believers, and the importance of prayer to the overall program of evangelism.