GriefShare meets on Monday nights. Registration is now open for our next session beginning on Monday, September 9th, 2024.
GriefShare is a nondenominational, biblical support group that focuses on helping people who are dealing with a loved one’s death. At each GriefShare session you will find encouragement and help in grieving the death of your loved one. No matter the cause of your loved one’s death, this is an opportunity to be around people who understand what you are feeling. You will learn how to recognize the symptoms of being stuck in grief and how to cope with the normal emotions that come when grieving a death. You will learn valuable information on facing life situations, and you’ll gain renewed hope for the future. These sessions are open to any adult regardless of whether your experience is recent or not so recent.
The group is led by individuals who have personally experienced grief due to a loved one’s death. Each DVD session features nationally respected grief experts and real-life stories, followed by small group discussion about the topics presented (with workbook support). The workbook also provides a brief daily Bible study. The $20 registration fee includes materials. (Please don’t allow this fee to keep you from attending; we do have scholarships available.) To register, complete the form below, or call Monument Bible Church at 308-632-4099. Office hours are Tuesday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. |
GriefShare Stories: